Thursday, January 3, 2008

Homework For Friday, January 4th!

For Friday, explain in 3-5 sentences if you think sporting events can create long-term change in society.

See you in class!

-Mr. Donohue


Mackenzie Way said...

A sporting event can make a sporting event a long term change in a society becuase if people enjoy something they continuously watch it. SO this can become and family or even a friendly thing to watch the sporting event.

A.I FaNn said...

A Sporting Event can create long-term changes in society because that sport can become their main focus and/or Benefits off of that sporting event. that sporting Event can provide services that benefit the whole community. It can be an important contribution to the quality of life for a persons generation.

sean_migz said...

yea i think it can because well a sporting event is a time tht brings the family together sort of like a meet up soo it can be future reference known as a family event

Stephanie_Leung said...


A sporting event can create long term changes. When their is a sporting event, the fans usually cheer for their team, causing dislike between the two groups. Also, sporting events can cause a major disruption with the fans. Like how all most everyone gathers to watch the Super Bowl or the Play-offs.

yung cris said...

Gang membares love sporting events. So this can cause all the trouble makers to stay home and watch this event. Also it can cause other chldren to be inspired and make it as a goal in life.

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