For Monday, pick one baseball playoff series to watch or read about and write a one 10-sentence factual summary and one 10-sentence opinionated column.
Here are your series choices:
Red Sox-Angels
You can find plenty of baseball playoff information on MLB.com and ESPN.com. Or try one of the local newspapers: Daily News, Newsday or NY Post.
Have a good long weekend!
-Mr. Donohue
Conner Quinn Blue
Opinionated column
Matt Valuable Player
Matt Holiday has been the top candidate for the NL’s MVP award since two weeks into the season but the PHILS’ late surge has their underrated shortstop at the top.
The two top MVP candidates squared off this week for the NLDS and Matt Holiday’s Rockies helped him show the fans and all of the world why when the ballots are released he will be the winner, edging out Jimmy Rollins (Phillies) David Wright (Mets) and Chase Utley (Phillies). Matt holiday who has a .340 batting average has been highly spoke of for the N.L. MVP since early May. Though Wright has a plus .300 average and Rollins has been backing his pre-season guarantee ( with 30 homeruns from the shortstop position) that the Phillies would be the Mets’ main competition in the eastern division.
Holliday however is playing most of his games at the high altitude Coors Field and has still lead his team to a playoff spot. Rollins plays in what is called a hitters park meaning souvenir city is always busy and that opponents can hit homeruns like Mike Vick hits dogs.
Now think of two players on the Rockies besides Matt Holiday and Todd Helton. You would have to think, but say the word Phillies and you think of slugger Ryan Howard, best NL second baseman Chase Utley not to mention highlight reel Aaron Rowand and speedy Shane Victorino oh yeah MVP candidate Jimmy Rollins.
Though Mets fans would love to see their favorite player besides sparkplug José Reyes win you have say Holliday all the way. He is overlooked every year in the all - star game for Barry Bonds (just for a sound byte) and in all conversations of best player in the game.
If he does win hopefully he isn’t treated like last year’s AL MVP who probably was only celebrated in Minnesota and for 2 days in the rest of the country. Well he did get on the cover of a videogame but still he wasn’t as highly recognized as Alex Rodriguez will be this year.
Game 3 recap
The Colorado Rockies advanced to the NLCS for the first time in team history. They swept the Philadelphia Phillies in a 3 game series this week and will face the Arizona Diamondbacks for a chance to play for the championship. The scoring started in the fifth inning when former Met Kaz Matsui hit a triple past Pat Burrell to drive in one run. In the sixth Jimmy Rollins stole another base as Ryan Howard argued strikes and grounded out to end their threat with two on. Shane Victorino hit an 0-2 count homerun to left field to tie game. In the bottom of the seventh inning the Phillies intentionally walked Matsui who has been on fire. Rockies did not capitalize. Former closer Brian Fuentes came in and almost gave up a homerun to Pat Burrell but was foul, in the bottom of the 8 inning Garret Atkins moved from first to third on deflected ball by Chase Utley. The announcers begin to talk of who would be the hero as Baker comes up and hit’s a pinch hit single with two outs. Manny Corpras closed the door and the place went nuts.
Opinionated column
Holiday is the most Valuable Player in the NL.
Holiday has been the top candidate for the NL’s MVP award since two weeks into the season but the PHILLIES’ late surge has their underrated shortstop at the top.
The two top MVP candidates squared off this week for the NLDS and Matt Holiday’s Rockies helped him show the fans and all of the world why when the ballots are released he will be the winner, edging out Jimmy Rollins (Phillies) David Wright (Mets) and Chase Utley (Phillies). Matt holiday who has a .340 batting average has been highly spoke of for the N.L. MVP since early May. Wright has a plus .300 average and Rollins has been backing his pre-season guarantee ( with 30 homeruns from the shortstop position) that the Phillies would be the Mets’ main competition in the eastern division.
Holliday however is playing most of his games at the high altitude Coors Field and has still lead his team to a playoff spot. Rollins plays in what is called a hitters park meaning souvenir city is always busy and that opponents can hit homeruns like Mike Vick hits dogs.
Now think of two players on the Rockies besides that Matt Holiday and Todd Helton. You would have to think, but say the word Phillies and you think of slugger Ryan Howard, best NL second baseman Chase Utley not to mention highlight reel Aaron Rowand and speedy Shane Victorino oh yes MVP candidate Jimmy Rollins.
Though Mets fans would love to see their favorite player besides sparkplug José Reyes win you have say Holliday all the way. He is overlooked every year in the all - star game for Barry Bonds (just for a sound byte) and in all conversations of best player in the game.
If he does win hopefully he isn’t treated like last year’s AL MVP who probably was only celebrated in Minnesota and for 2 days in the rest of the country. Do you think that Alex Rodriguez will be the MVP this year.
Game 3 recap
The Colorado Rockies advanced to the NLCS for the first time in team history. They swept the Philadelphia(Phillies) in a 3 game series this week and will face the Arizona(Diamondbacks) for a chance to play for the championship. The scoring started in the fifth inning when the EX Mets player Kaz Matsui hit a triple past Pat Burrell to drive in one run. In the sixth Jimmy Rollins stole another base as Ryan Howard argued strikes and grounded out to end their threat with two on. Shane Victorino hit an 0-2 count homerun to left field to tie game. In the bottom of the seventh inning the Phillies intentionally walked Matsui who has been on fire. Rockies did not capitalize. Former closer Brian Fuentes came in and almost gave up a homerun to Pat Burrell but was foul, in the bottom of the 8 inning Garret Atkins moved from first to third on deflected ball by Chase Utley. The announcers begin to talk of who would be the hero as Baker comes up and hit’s a pinch hit single with two outs.
Xavier Acevedo Green
The Ynakees have lost two games to the indians and won one. They are trying real hard to win game 4 and 5. They are barly hitting in the series. Also their pitching is not so good right now. They are giving up alot of hits. Many players have hit homeruns. One hitter who has been very affective this series. He is Johnny Damon. He has hit two homeruns this series to get the Yankees into the game.
The Yankees might not win the series. They cant hit and possibly wont hit game 4 and if game 5. If they make win game 4 they wont win game 5. The pitchers for the Yankees keep giving up big hits and homeruns. They are not pitching as good in the postseason as they do in the regular season. Damon is a key player in these games. He has been getting great hits.
Class Red
I feel that if the Yankees keep up this poor streak they will be gone soon. They are unable to hit. The fielding has become weak, and the pitching has dropped form its already low point. The Yankees need to shape up or they will be blown away by the Indians. Unfortunately the Yanks have slide down a slippery slope at the worst possible time.
The Yanks are down 1-0 to the Indians. With Jeter's poor batting average and the teams overall fielding kinks and pitching flaws, the Yankees are slipping from a great comeback to a shameful finish. Unless the Yankees come to pull it together and Joe Torri figures something out they will be out in the first round for the third year in a row.
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