Monday, June 9, 2008

Homework For Tuesday, June 10th!

For Tuesday: Choose any sport or game. What are 3-5 rules of that sport or game?

See you in class!

-Mr. Donohue


Stephanie Leung said...

-One team can not hit the ball over a total of three times per volley.
-No player can hit the ball twice in a row.
-The ball must stay in the air for it to be in play.
-When the ball is served, it can not be hit by the person on the same team right after.

Kamar said...

-If a player is tackled and his knees hit the ground he is ruled down by contact
-To catch the ball both feet have to be in bounds, the ball has to be in your control and you have to msintain possession of the ball
-A fumble is obtainable when the ball carrier has not touched the ground, when the ball is in bounds and your team is ruled in possession of the ball when the play is ruled dead by official

-->*SeXc A.i.*<-- said...


1.) Each team must consist of atleast 5 players

2.)If the offensive team puts the ball into play behind the mid-court line, they have ten seconds to get the ball over the mid-court line.

3.)When a team makes a basket, they score two points, if a basket is made outside of the three-point line then it is worth three points. A free throw is only worth one point.

Katherine Soto

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